Saturday, May 28, 2011

Accessory of the day!

My 1st ever stethoscope!
Orientation was all day yesterday and it was a dream. This is the program I had been dying to get into because it is very competitive and one of the top 10 nursing programs in the nation. I didn't even think I stood a chance of getting in and people all around me were so pessimistic about it. It's best to always have confidence in yourself and not let others ruin your optimism or hope♥ Anyhow, I bought all these crazy nursing gadgets and tools and they look pretty disturbing. I can't wait to start using them ;) The uniforms are completely unflattering so my only hope of looking decent is makeup (if it's allowed), earrings, and hair. As for the shoes, it's all about comfort. Also, they were selling these little stuffed animals to us that are shaped like diseases (get it? nursing students...diseases...haha? no?). They look so funny but I would be careful of giving one to the wrong person. If you wanna check them out they're called Giant Microbes. It was a long and exciting day and now I have all kinds of tasks to complete this summer before the program even begins in August...


Jen said...

Congratulations! I wish you the best of luck in nursing school. They say if you can survive nursing school, you can survive anything & I have to It will definitely test you mentally & physically. Don't give can do this! :)

The Style Nurse said...

Thanks Jen! =)